When technology moves people.

Transport and traffic systems have never been as complex and interlinked as they are today. Modern electrotechnical installations at key traffic intersections are not only highly sophisticated but also have to meet tougher safety requirements. Because the railway stations and airports of today have become open public spaces and busy thoroughfares that generate recreational and commercial opportunities not just for those just passing through but for local residents too.

In these extensive and widespread infrastructures PUK cable management systems guarantee the smooth, safe and secure flow of data and power. Even in those places where vibration levels are very high due to the constant flow of passing trains like tunnels and bridges. In the event of a failure in a tunnel situation, continued operation and the safety of large numbers of people are paramount. Maximum safety must be ensured. With years of experience across multiple infrastructure sectors we really make the grade when it comes to fire safety.

Because PUK´s wide span, fire protection and underfloor systems are configured right down to the smallest detail to satisfy the tough demands of the electrotechnical infrastructure of transport and traffic systems. Our approved trays, ladders and protective tubes and our accredited wide span, fire protection and underfloor systems are highly fire retardant and guarantee safety in every situation where the electronic infrastructure is threatened:

  • Penetrating moisture
  • High temperatures
  • Gross contamination
  • Erosion
  • Vibration
  • Corrosion

Our expertise allows us to support investors, planners and architects in facilitating the smooth operation of the electronic infrastructure – whether in road, railway, supply or pedestrian tunnels.